Sunday, June 26, 2011

Great Great Grandpa?

A new page in my art journal that I finished last night sitting at my Mom and Dad's kitchen table.
I took a photograph of my drawing and cut this man out of it. I glued him on the page of my journal and began to design my page. I wish I knew for sure who he was.  A few people in my family think this my Great Great Grandpa Mc...but others thought the other man, in the picture, was my Great Great Grandpa Mc.  I am still trying to find the origional photo... to see if my Grandma Mc wrote who they were on the back of the photo.  She was always really good about doing that.  As a child, and grown adult, I loved looking at all the old photos that she had. I would pull them out every time I would visit her.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Todays Abstract Painting

 This is a close up view of the painting .
Decided to do the painting using 4 canvases instead of just one.  This is what it looks like before framing.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Identical Twin Girls

The girls in this artwork are my mom and her identical twin sister.  They were the inspiration for this work of art.  I asked both of them to describe to me what it meant or how it feels to be an identical twin.  It was difficult for them to come up with specific words to describe it.  I choose a few to express a small part of how they feel.  I have already started another one with them as the subject matter of my art.

Family members I drew from an old photo 30 years old

I drew this from a photo that my grandmother had.  I used to love to look at all the old photos that she had.  I made the mistake of not writing on the back of this drawing who the relatives were in the now I am trying to ask other relatives, that live here in TN, if they know who they are.
  Look at how yellow the paper is getting.  Not sure if they had acid free drawing paper 30 years ago...but I did not know about it and therefore I did not use it.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Sisters Trip to Chicago

 I decided to collect things from our trip and try to arrange them on a page in my journal.  It was very challenging because the sizes of the "things" did not always work out well with the designs on my page.

Time with family is so important!  Our lives get so busy that we can forget to spend time with those we love!